24/05/2018 The Josephson relation of e/3 and e/5 fractional anyons in FQHE is measured! see (preprint)
28/03/2017 Congratulations to F. D. Parmentier for winning the 2017 Nicholas Kurti Science Prize for Europe, jointly with E. Bocquillon from Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain!
01/02/2017 Thanks to local grants from LabEx PALM, Université Paris-Saclay, and the SIRTEQ project, we have recently set up a graphene van der Waals heterostructures assembly platform consisting of a transfer station, a NanomagneticsR atomic force microscope and a ZeissR optical microscope!
28/09/2016 Thanks to his ERC Starting grant, C. Altimiras received today his Cryo-conceptR Pulse-Tube dilution Fridge!
02/06/2016 T-Rays make graphene noisy! see "Photon-Assisted Shot Noise in Graphene in the Terahertz Range" in Phys.Rev. Lett. 116, 227401 (2016)
01/06/2016 Minky SEO has joined our group to study the quantum shot noise of Silicon nano-mosFETs.
13/10/2015 Preden Roulleau obtained an ERC starting grant with his project COHEGRAPH. PhD and post doc positions available !
04/09/2015 First shot noise measurement in graphene pn junction in the quantum hall regime ! http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150901/ncomms9068/full/ncomms9068.html
30/10/2014 Our levitons have been tomographied!!, see our new publication in Nature : Quantum tomography of an electron, T. Jullien, P. Roulleau, B. Roche, A. Cavanna, Y. Jin, and D. C. Glattli, Nature 514, 603–607 (2014) dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature13821
15/10/2014 THz and graphene: under T-ray irradiation our graphene nanoribbons give first signature of Photo-Assisted Shot Noise!
26/07/2014 Graphene: with Norio Kumada we have measured de dispersion relation of edge magnetoplasmons and their decay, see **(arxiv)
23/04/2014 Andrey Mostovov's thesis defense on graphene shot noise.
17/04/2014 Thibaut Jullien's thesis defense on the leviton work.
27/11/2013 levitons in newpapers (Le Monde):LeMonde
23/10/13/ our work: "Minimal-excitation states for electron quantum optics using levitons" published on-line in Nature, see HERE
15/10/13 our Toptika Tera-Herz source works at 2.7K ! and shots T-Rays on samples at 0.3K !
10/10/13 Graphene Plasmonics: Norio see Edge-Magneto-Plasmons ringing at several GHz frequency in his NTT SiC Graphene samples!
01/10/13 Matthieu Santin has started a PhD in our group (4 years).
26/09/13 Norio Kumada from NTT Basic Research Lab. (Jp) will be in our group for one year.
16/09/13 Our work "Minimal-excitation states for electron quantum optics using levitons" accepted for publication in NATURE.