- Strongly correlated charge transport in silicon MOSFET quantum dots, M. Seo, P. Roulleau, P. Roche, D. C. Glattli, M. Sanquer, X. Jehl, L. Hutin, S. Barraud, F. D. Parmentier, arXiv:1805.08710 (2018, submitted to Physical Review Letters)
- A Josephson relation for fractionnally charged anyons, Maëlle Kapfer, Preden Roulleau, Ian Farrer, David A. Ritchie, and D Christian Glattli,submitted 01/06/2018 (preprint)
- Coherent control of single electrons: a review of current progress, Christopher Bauerle, D Christian Glattli, Tristan Meunier, Fabien Portier, Patrice Roche, Preden Roulleau, Shintaro Takada, Xavier Waintal Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 056503 (pp33) (2018)]
- Graphene n-p junctions in the Quantum Hall regime: numerical study of incoherent scattering effects, Qianfan Ma, Francois D. Parmentier, Preden Roulleau, and Genevieve Fleury Phys. Rev. B 97, 205445 (2018) []
- Pseudorandom binary injection of levitons for electron quantum optics, D. Christian Glattli and Preden Roulleau Phys. Rev. B 97, 125407 (2018) []
- Emission of Nonclassical Radiation by Inelastic Cooper Pair Tunneling, M. Westig, B. Kubala, O. Parlavecchio, Y. Mukharsky, C. Altimiras, P. Joyez, D. Vion, P. Roche, D. Esteve, M. Hofheinz, M. Trif, P. Simon, J. Ankerhold and F. Portier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 137001 (2017)
- Power Spectrum density of Single Side band CPM using Lorenztian frequency pulses, Haïfa Fares, D. Christian Glattli, Yves Louet, Jacques Palicot, Preden Roulleau and Christophe MoyIEEE Wireless Communication Letters (2017) DOI: 10.1109/LWC.2017.2742505 []
- Levitons for electron quantum optics, D.C. Glattli and P. Roulleau, physica status solidi (B) 254 no3 1600650 (2017) DOI 10.1002/pssb.20160065
- Hanbury-Brown Twiss noise correlation with time controlled quasi-particles in ballistic quantum conductors D.C. Glattli and P. Roulleau, **PHYSICA E, 82 99-105 (2016) ** []
- Interacting Electrodynamics of Short Coherent Conductors in Quantum Circuits,C. Altimiras, F. Portier, and P. Joyez, Phys. Rev. X 6, 031002 (2016)
- Quantum Hall effect in epitaxial graphene with permanent magnets, F.D. Parmentier, T. Cazimajou, Y. Sekine, H. Hibino, H. Irie, D.C. Glattli, N. Kumada, and P. Roulleau, Scienfic Reports (2016)
- Photon-Assisted Shot Noise in Graphene in the Terahertz Range, F.D. Parmentier, L.N. Serkovic-Loli, P. Roulleau, et D.C. Glattli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 227401 (2016)
- Hanbury-Brown Twiss noise correlation with time controlled quasi-particles in ballistic quantum conductors, D.C. Glattli, P. Roulleau , Physica E (2016)
- Robust quantum coherence above the Fermi sea, S. Tewari, P. Roulleau, Ch. Grenier, F. Portier, A. Cavanna, U. Gennser, D. Mailly and P. Roche, Phys. Rev. B 93, 035420 (2016)
- Detecting noise with shot noise: a new on-chip Photon Detector, Y. Jompol, P. Roulleau, T. Jullien, B. Roche, I. Farrer, D.A. Ritchie and D.C. Glattli, Nature Communications 6, 6130 (2015) doi:10.1038/ncomms7130 (paper)
- Harvesting dissipated energy with a mesoscopic ratchet, B. Roche, P. Roulleau, T. Jullien, Y. Jompol, I. Farrer, D.A. Ritchie and D.C. Glattli, Nature Communications 6, 6738 (2015) (paper)
- Shot noise generated by graphene p-n junctions in the quantum Hall effect regime, N. Kumada, F. D. Parmentier, H. Hibino, D. C. Glattli, and P. Roulleau, Nature Communications 6, 8068 (2015) (paper)
- Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations of a Tunnel Junction Driven by a Quantum Circuit, O. Parlavecchio, C. Altimiras, J.-R. Souquet, P. Simon, I. Safi, P. Joyez, D. Vion, P. Roche, D. Esteve, and F. Portier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 126801 (2015)
- Quantum tomography of an electron, T. Jullien, P. Roulleau, B. Roche, A. Cavanna, Y. Jin, and D. C. Glattli, Nature 514, 603–607 (2014)
- Resonant edge magnetoplasmons and their decay in graphene, N. Kumada, P. Roulleau, Benoît Roche, M. Hashisaka, H. Hibino, I. Petkovic, and D. C. Glattli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 266601 (2014). (arxiv)
- Edge magnetoplasmons in graphene, I Petkovic, F. I. B. Williams, and D. C. Glattli, Journal of Physics D, 47, 094010 (2014)(arxiv)¨
- Dynamical Coulomb Blockade of Shot Noise, Carles Altimiras, Olivier Parlavecchio, Philippe Joyez, Denis Vion, Patrice Roche, Daniel Esteve, and Fabien Portier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 236803
- Minimal-excitation states for electron quantum optics using levitons, J. Dubois, T. Jullien, F. Portier, P. Roche, A. Cavanna, Y. Jin, W. Wegscheider, P. Roulleau and D. C. Glattli, Nature 502, 659–663 (2013)
- Integer and fractional charge Lorentzian voltage pulses analyzed in the framework of photon-assisted shot noise, J. Dubois, T. Jullien, C. Grenier, P. Degiovanni, P. Roulleau, and D. C. Glattli, Phys. Rev. B 88, 085301 (2013), (arxiv)
- Fractionalization of minimal excitations in integer quantum Hall edge channels, Ch. Grenier, J. Dubois, T. Jullien, P. Roulleau, D. C. Glattli, and P. Degiovanni, Phys. Rev. B 88, 085302 (2013), (arxiv)
- Carrier Drift Velocity and Edge Magnetoplasmons in Graphene, I. Petković, F. I. B. Williams, K. Bennaceur, F. Portier, P. Roche, and D. C. Glattli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 016801 (2013), (arxiv)
- Spectroscopy of non-local superconducting correlations in a double quantum dot, L. G. Herrmann, P. Burset, W. J. Herrera, F. Portier, P. Roche, C. Strunk, A. Levy Yeyati, T. Kontos, submitted (2013), (arxiv)
- Quantum Coherence Engineering in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime, P-A. Huynh, F. Portier, H. le Sueur, G. Faini, U. Gennser, D. Mailly, F. Pierre, W. Wegscheider, and P. Roche, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 256802 (2012), (arxiv)
- Unveiling quantum Hall transport by Efros-Shklovskii to Mott variable-range hopping transition in graphene, K. Bennaceur, P. Jacques, F. Portier, P. Roche, and D. C. Glattli, Phys. Rev. B 86, 085433 (2012), (arxiv)
- Electron Quantum Optics: Partitioning Electrons One by One, E. Bocquillon, F. D. Parmentier, C. Grenier, J.-M. Berroir, P. Degiovanni, D. C. Glattli, B. Plaçais, A. Cavanna, Y. Jin, and G. Fève, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 196803 (2012), (arxiv)
- Quantum Hall effect in exfoliated graphene affected by charged impurities: Metrological measurements, J. Guignard, D. Leprat, D. C. Glattli, F. Schopfer, and W. Poirier, Phys. Rev. B 85, 165420 (2012), (arxiv)
- Current noise spectrum of a single-particle emitter: Theory and experiment, F. D. Parmentier, E. Bocquillon, J.-M. Berroir, D. C. Glattli, B. Plaçais, G. Fève, M. Albert, C. Flindt, and M. Büttiker, Rev. B 85, 165438 (2012), (arxiv)
- Quantum Hall Effect and Metrology Foreword, Christian Glattli, Comptes Rendus Physique 12, 319 (2011)
- Experimental Determination of the Statistics of Photons Emitted by a Tunnel Junction, Eva Zakka-Bajjani, J. Dufouleur, N. Coulombel, P. Roche, D. C. Glattli, and F. Portier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 206802 (2010) (arXiv)
- Transport and Elastic Scattering Times as Probes of the Nature of Impurity Scattering in Single-Layer and Bilayer Graphene, M. Monteverde, C. Ojeda-Aristizabal, R. Weil, K. Bennaceur, M. Ferrier, S. Guéron, C. Glattli, H. Bouchiat, J. N. Fuchs, and D. L. Maslov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 126801 (2010), (arXiv)
- Conserved spin and orbital phase along carbon nanotubes connected with multiple ferromagnetic contacts, C. Feuillet-Palma, T. Delattre, P. Morfin, J.-M. Berroir, G. Fève, D. C. Glattli, B. Plaçais, A. Cottet, and T. Kontos, Phys. Rev. B 81, 115414 (2010), (arXiv)
- Current correlations of an on-demand single-electron emitter, A. Mahé, F. D. Parmentier, E. Bocquillon, J.-M. Berroir, D. C. Glattli, T. Kontos, B. Plaçais, G. Fève, A. Cavanna, and Y. Jin, Phys. Rev. B 82, 201309 (2010), arXiv
- Tuning Decoherence with a Voltage Probe, P. Roulleau, F. Portier, P. Roche, A. Cavanna, G. Faini, U. Gennser, and D. Mailly, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 236802 (2009), (arxiv)
- Quantum shot noise of conductors and general noise measurement methods, D.C. Glattli, European Physical Journal-Special Topics 172,163 (2009)
- A reproducible process for mesoscopic superconducting indium contacts to GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures, S. Boulay, J. Dufouleur, P. Roche, U. Gennser, A. Cavanna, and D. Mailly, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 123919 (2009)
- Noise Dephasing in Edge States of the Integer Quantum Hall Regime, P. Roulleau, F. Portier, P. Roche, A. Cavanna, G. Faini, U. Gennser, and D. Mailly, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 186803 (2008), (arxiv)
- Direct Measurement of the Coherence Length of Edge States in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime, Preden Roulleau, F. Portier, P. Roche, A. Cavanna, G. Faini, U. Gennser, and D. Mailly, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 126802 (2008), (arxiv)
- Subnanosecond Single Electron Source in the Time-Domain, A. Mahé, F. D. Parmentier, G. Fève, J.-M. Berroir, T. Kontos, A. Cavanna, B. Etienne, Y. Jin, D. C. Glattli, B. Plaçais, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 153, 339 (2008), (arxiv)
- Single Carbon Nanotube Transistor at GHz Frequency, J. Chaste, L. Lechner, P. Morfin, G. Fève, T. Kontos, J.-M., Berroir, D. C. Glattli, H. Happy, P. Hakonen and B. Plaçais, Nano Letters, 8 (2), 525 (2008), (arxiv)
- An On-Demand Coherent Single-Electron Source, G. Fève, A. Mahé, J.-M. Berroir, T. Kontos, B. Plaçais, D. C. Glattli, A. Cavanna, B. Etienne, Y. Jin, Science 316, 1169 (2007), (arxiv)
- Finite bias visibility of the electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer, P. Roulleau, F. Portier, P. Roche, A. Cavanna, G. Faini, U. Gennser, and D. Mailly, Phys. Rev. B 76, 161309 (2007), (arxiv)
- Shot Noise in Fabry-Perot Interferometers Based on Carbon Nanotubes, L. G. Herrmann, T. Delattre, P. Morfin, J.-M. Berroir, B. Plaçais, D. C. Glattli, and T. Kontos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 156804 (2007), (arxiv)
- Relaxation Time of a Chiral Quantum R-L Circuit, J. Gabelli, G. Fève, T. Kontos, J.-M. Berroir, B. Placais, D. C. Glattli, B. Etienne, Y. Jin, and M. Büttiker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 166806 (2007)
- Experimental Test of the High-Frequency Quantum Shot Noise Theory in a Quantum Point Contact, E. Zakka-Bajjani, J. Ségala, F. Portier, P. Roche, D. C. Glattli, A. Cavanna, and Y. Jin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 236803 (2007), (arxiv)
page revision: 94, last edited: 14 Jun 2018 16:28